I cannot wait to do the things I really want to do because I can
I can’t wait to go to the city and sit on the grass and drink beer
I can’t wait to go on adventures, taking photos of all the beautiful things and all the beautiful people I see.
I can’t wait to watch both seasons of gossip girl on my tv all over again
I can’t wait to go for bike trips all day long and all night long
I can’t wait to go for picnics
I can’t wait to have my own money from working at my own job
I can’t wait to buy books with my own money
I can’t wait to buy cd’s with my own money
I can’t wait to have a Nikon D90
I can’t wait to have my own bike
I can’t wait to go to RMIT or VCA
I can’t wait to play Mario Kart all day
I can’t wait to just wake up in the morning and decide what I want to do because I have nothing planned
I can’t wait to read books other than the kite runner and the line
I can’t wait to go to local gigs again
I can’t wait to not feel guilty by reading magazines
I can’t wait to go to gallery openings and look at all the latest art shit and drink the free booze
I can’t wait to be able to go out on a Thursday night and get fucked
I can’t wait to go out on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, continuously
I can’t wait to not feel guilty for doing the things I want to do
I can’t wait for the next four months of absolute fucking freedom
And I can’t wait to savour every fucking second!
As you may have noticed I am just really excited for what is about to unfold.
I want to watch all of the harry potter movies, a harry potter movie marathon (like hire all the movies and watch them continuously with no lights and lots of candles and lots of wine) and then read all of the Harry Potter books all over again.
fuck. yes.
it will take us 15 hours but will deffinitly be worth it
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