Monday, November 30, 2009

Mystic Journey!

This photo is fucking amazing! My dad took it when he went to New Zealand, It's surreal.


I was looking through some of my old folio's and came across this.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Young And Reckless

I love this simple shoot. I am especially drawn to the sheer shirt and the wild grass, I wanna go live on a farm for a couple of months. Today I spoke with this man called Robert, he was 57 and had been a house sitter with his wife for 25 of those years. He only house sits farms and will sometimes be sitting for at least a year, I think the whole idea of it is pretty amazing, just moving around, never really staying in one place or your own place for that matter, you get a sense of comfort everywhere you go after a while. I'm going to house sit.

Source: RUSSH #29, scanned in.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Summer Lovin'....almost


You Know It
